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Plenar 1: Trivselsøkonomi - en økonomi for fremtiden

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30. maj 9.00-10.30 - Festsal 11C.0.08

Plenary | English

Denne åbningsplenar lægger fundamentet til konferencen ved at introducere trivselsøkonomi som en nyttig ramme til at tackle de sammenkoblede kriser, der påvirker Danmark, EU og verden. Gennem en række tankevækkende hovedtaler vil sessionen udforske, hvordan trivselsøkonomi kan forene forskellige perspektiver og forme en økonomi for fremtiden.




Performance, by Sister's Hope


Welcome and introduction, by Arvid Aagaard Sihm, conference project lead for WEAll DK, outlining the purpose and mindset of the conference.


Overview of the conference program, by Anja Bo, host and moderator on all the plenaries. 


The corner peices of a Wellbeing Economy, keynote by co-founder of the international Wellbeing Economy Alliance, Katherine Trebeck.


The plenary will feature a series of keynotes from renowned speakers, addressing critical questions of our time in alignment with the six conference tracks:


Jo Swinson - Conference track: The Role and Direction of the Economy (Purpose)

How can the economy be structured to deliver human wellbeing while respecting planetary boundaries?


Inge Røpke - Conference track: Root Causes and Prevention of Crises (Prevention)

What are the root causes of economic and ecological crises, and how can preventive measures ensure planetary and human wellbeing?


Ted Howard  - Conference track: Fair Future (Pre-distribution)

How can resources, power, and opportunities be distributed fairly from the outset to create an economy that works for everyone?


Amanda Cahill - Democratizing the Economy (People powered)

In what ways can we democratize economic decisions and priorities to ensure popular engagement and involvement?


Fati N'Zi-Hassane - Conference track: Wellbeing Economy in a global perspective

How do we design a Wellbeing Economy from a global perspective?


Gry Worre Hallberg - Conference track: Change through nature and culture

Transformation through art: How can art inspire societal change, foster reflection, and challenge conventional economic perceptions towards a sustainable future?


Panel discussion moderated by Anja Bo, bringing together all keynote speakers




Katherine Trebeck is a renowned researcher and writer, co-founder of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. She has extensively contributed to developing economic approaches that prioritize social and environmental health.


Jo Swinson is  Director of Partners for a New Economy, and has a long-standing passion for new economics. A former UK Government Minister, Liberal Democrat party leader and MP, in 2009 she co-founded a cross-party group of MPs to work collaboratively on new economic thinking.


Inge Røpke is a distinguished ecological economist and professor at Aalborg University in Denmark. Her research focuses on the intersection of ecological sustainability and economic systems, exploring sustainable transitions.


Ted Howard is the co-founder and president of The Democracy Collaborative. He is a leading advocate for community wealth building and economic democracy, promoting fair distribution of resources and opportunities.


Amanda Cahill is the CEO of The Next Economy, with a background in anthropology and community development. She works with communities to build sustainable and inclusive economies, empowering people to drive economic change.


Fati N'Zi-Hassane is the director of the Human Development Cluster at the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD). She has extensive experience in international development and policy-making, promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in Africa.


Gry Worre Hallberg is an artist and founder of Sister’s Hope. She uses artistic and sensory experiences to foster societal change and reflection, integrating nature and culture to inspire new ways of thinking about the future.


Arvid Aagaard Sihm is Vice Director and co-founder of the think tank Wellbeing Economy Lab and is project leader on the conference on behalf of WEAll DK. He is the founder of Critical Students of Economics (2011) - the first student organization to advocate for New Economic Thinking in Denmark. 

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