Plenary 3: Well-being economy in an international perspective

31 May 9.00-10.30 - Festsal 11C.0.08
Plenary | Partly in Danish partly in English
The plenary focuses on global responsibility and necessary political actions ahead of the upcoming EP election. Bringing the concept of the wellbeing economy into the election campaign through a panel discussion among Danish EP candidates.
Performance, by Sister's Hope
Introduction, by Anja Bo, host and moderator on all the plenaries.
Visionary Leadership and Global Responsibility, keynote by Jason Hickel
Artistic interlude: Denmark as a company, by Mette Riise
Panelsamtale: "EP-valget og trivselsøkonomi", modereret af Anja Bo
Deltagere fra de politiske partier:
Lars Fogh Mortensen, Radikale Venstre
Henrik Dahl, Liberal Alliance
Marianne Lynghøj, Venstre
Stine Bosse, Moderaterne
Niels Fuglsang, Socialdemokratiet
Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, Socialistisk Folkeparti
Per Clausen, Enhedslisten
Jan Kristoffersen, Alternativet
Brief presentation of the day's program, by Anja Bo

Jason Hickel is an economic anthropologist and author specializing in global inequality, political economy and ecological economics. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Hickel has written several books, including "The Divide" and "Less is More."

Lars Fogh Mortensen is a candidate for the EP election 2024 for Radikale Venstre with a focus on environmental policy and sustainability. He is one of the founders of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance and has a long career in environmental and climate policy within the EU.

Henrik Dahl is a member of the Norwegian Parliament for the Liberal Alliance and leading candidate for the European Parliament elections 2024.

Stine Bosse is a recognized Danish business woman and leading candidate for the EP elections for the Moderates.

Niels Fuglsang is a member of the European Parliament for the Social Democrats and is a candidate for re-election in the EP elections 2024

Kira Marie Peter-Hansen is a member of the European Parliament for the Socialist People's Party (SF) and is SF's leading candidate for the 2024 EP elections.

Per Clausen is a Danish politician and candidate for the European Parliament for Enhedslisten. He has a background in the trade union movement and works for economic democracy and social justice.

Kira Marie Peter-Hansen is a member of the European Parliament for the Socialist People's Party (SF) and is SF's leading candidate for the 2024 EP elections.

Mette Riise is a Danish contemporary artist, known for her unconventional approach to modern social narratives and business aesthetics.

Anja Bo is an experienced journalist and moderator, known for her critical and engaging approach to facilitating discussions. She has a background in social science and journalism from Roskilde University and has been a prominent host on Danish TV programs such as Deadline and DR2 Morgen.

Marianne Lynghøj is a candidate for the EP election 2024 for the Liberal Party with a focus on climate and the environment. She is committed to promoting the green transition by reducing bureaucratic obstacles. Marianne has worked for two years in Brussels and has a background in liberal values.