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The conference will build bridges and actively promote a mind set, which is necessary for systemic solutions

...and how we will promote it

The mindset

of the conference...

Transformative solutions

rather than incremental approach

An incremental approach underestimates the complexity and interconnectedness of systemic problems, leading to inadequate solutions.

The conference focuses on transformative solutions and systemic changes rather than small, gradual improvements. The framework for and expectations of the conversations must be a perspective that addresses the root of the problem rather than treating the symptoms of the problem. 

Structural change

rather than focusing on the individual

By focusing primarily on individual actions, the deeper structural causes of systemic problems are overlooked.

The focus of the solutions brought into play at the conference must lie on structural changes and systemic solutions that go beyond individual actions. Speakers and experts will be asked to shed light on how structural change can lead to more lasting improvements rather than focusing on the individual's room for action. 

Holistic thinking

rather than silo thinking

Silo thinking hinders a holistic understanding of systemic issues by isolating knowledge and perspectives within narrow areas.

Society is permeated by sectors, and the political system is divided into ministries and committees, each with their own areas of responsibility. It is practical, but it often prevents the possibility of thinking across the board, which systemic crises require. The conference seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and holistic thinking, which builds bridges between society's traditional silos. 

Long-term strategy

rather than short-term thinking

Focus on quick fixes rather than long-term strategies can be a barrier to effectively addressing systemic problems.

The conference supports the development of long-term strategies and plans that focus on the opportunities of future generations. It must be carried forward by a positive vision of the future, where the central question is how we create a society for our children and grandchildren, where the quality of life and the wellbeing of the planet are in focus.

Inclusive political dialogue

rather than political positioning

Sharp political positioning often creates polarization and hinders the development of consensus-based, systemic solutions.

With a diverse group of participants, across sectors, the conference will aim to be a neutral ground for inclusive political dialogue. The focus will be on the open conversation, which leads to thoughtfulness and reflection, without the requirement to deliver all the solutions. The joint dialogue will seek to build bridges between different political perspectives and solutions.

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