The Danish conference on Wellbeing Economy
30-31 maj

Days with keynotes,
debates and workshops on Wellbeing Economics
Track Sessions on Wellbeing Economy organized by content partners
Plenaries with speeches from key experts and debate between candidates for the EU parliamentary elections
Participants across sectors and political divides

Jason Hickel

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Jason Hickel

Økonomisk antropolog og forfatter bag Less is More og The Divide.

Journalist og forfatter bag Ærømanifestet

Head of Analysis and Co-founder, Wellbeing Economy Lab

Økonomisk antropolog og forfatter bag Less is More og The Divide.

Feministisk aktivist og debattør, forfatter af bogen 'Underskud'

Direktør for Oxfam Afrika

Filminstruktør og skaberen bag Organiseret Vildskab

Feministisk aktivist og debattør, forfatter af bogen 'Underskud'

Professor i økologisk økonomi, Aalborg Universitet

Spidskandidat til Europaparlamentsvalget for Moderaterne

Adjunkt i økonomi, Denison University, Modern Monetary Theory Økonom

Professor i økologisk økonomi, Aalborg Universitet

Professor i økonomi og tidligere overvismand og formand for klimarådet

Politisk aktivist, social entreprenør, forfatter og stifter af The Democracy Collaborative

Founder & Director at Wellbeing Economy Lab

Professor i økonomi og tidligere overvismand og formand for klimarådet

Politisk økonom og stifter af Wellbeing Economy Alliancen

Biolog og vært på Den Dyriske Time


Politisk økonom og stifter af Wellbeing Economy Alliancen


Forperson i Coop

Medlem af Folketinget for Socialdemokratiet

*NB: The plenary hall can only accommodate approx. 400 guests physically, but it will be aimed for all participants to have the opportunity to participate in at least one plenary physically. Anyone who cannot get a seat will be able to watch the live streaming on a big screen at the conference or listen to it while walking around.
For english speakers: Look for titles in English
Day 1
Check in opens | 8:00 a.m
Plenary Session | 30 May | 9.00-10.30
Well-being economy: an economy for the future (In English)
EXPERIENCE: Katherine Trebeck | Inge Røpke | Ted Howard | Amanda Cahill | Annette Lendal
Opening of the conference, framing of well-being economy as a framework for discussion of connected crises in Denmark, the EU and globally based on the role of the current economic system.
Moderator: Anja Bo
Pause | 10.30-11.00 -
Art installations and happenings to be explored in the breaks | 10.30-11.00 Musik performance
Sporsessioner | 30. maj | 11.00-12.30 |
Visioner og krav til fremtidens virksomheder
Festsal 11C.0.08
Økonomiens rolle og retning
OPLEV: Gorm Nissen | Nicole Pemberton | Esther Emborg Bünemann | Marcus Feldthus | Sara Krüger Falk |
Mathias Louis Holdsbjerg-Larsen
ARRANGØR(ER): Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse
Hvad er "trivsel" i en trivselsøkonomi?
Audi 1 - 9A.0.01
Retfærdig fremtid
OPLEV: Anna Paldam Folker | Charlotte Louise Jensen | Clara Dawe | Michael Birkjær | Moderator: Charlotte Iisager Petersen
ARRANGØR(ER): Wellbeing Economy Lab | Sund By Netværket
Giv naturen en stemme: Litterær folkehøring som metode
Multirummet - 21.0.54
Forandring gennem natur og kultur
OPLEV: Carsten Jensen | Ditte Marie Nesdam-Madsen | Rikke Møller | Thomas Sture Rasmussen | Kristine Fjord Tolborg
ARRANGØR(ER): Chora 2030 | Albertslund Bibliotek | Danmarks Biblioteksforening
Taxation as a Tool for the Green and Just Transition
Audi 5 - 23.0.50
Wellbeing economy in a global perspective
OPLEV: Suranjali Tandon | Tove Maria Ryding | Franziska Mager | Martin Brehm Christensen | Mukupa Nsenduluka
ARRANGØR(ER): Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe | Tax Justice Network | Oxfam | Eurodad | National Institute on Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP)
Lunch break | 12:30-2:00 p.m
Sporsessioner | 30. maj | 14.00-15.30
Hvordan kan cirkulær økonomi bidrage til en økonomi indenfor de planetære grænser?
Audi 5 - 23.0.50
Krisernes rod og forebyggelse
OPLEV: Peter Birch Sørensen | Karin Klitgaard | Lars Fogh Mortensen | Aske Nydam Guldberg | Lars Midtiby | Linea Søgaard-Lidell | Samira Nawa | Birgitte Bergman | Marianne Bigum
ARRANGØR(ER): Danmarks Naturfredningsforening | Dansk Industri | Ingeniørforeningen – IDA | Det Europæiske Miljøagentur
Fra mistrivsel til harmoni: kunstens rolle i sundhedsfremmende indsatser
Multirummet - 21.0.54
Forandring gennem natur og kultur
OPLEV: Eva Hjelms | Anna Paldam Folker | Andreas Vetö | Charlotte Iisager Petersen | Strygerkvartet fra Danmarks Underholdningsorkester
ARRANGØR(ER): Sund By Netværket | Statens Institut for Folkesundhed | Danmarks Underholdningsorkester
Pause | 15.30-15.40 - Art installations and happenings to be explored in the breaks
Plenary Session | 30 May | 15.40-17.00
Wellbeing economy in practice (Partly English)
EXPERIENCE: May My Humaidan | Katherine Trebeck | Joachim P. Present
Perspectives on the possibilities of a Danish well-being economy focus on real-world examples and case studies that demonstrate how theory can be translated into practice across sectors and political divides.
Moderator: Anja Bo
Program 30 May | 9.00-17.00
Day 2
Program 31 May | 9.00-17.00
Check in opens | 8:00 a.m
Pause | 10.30-11.00
Frokostpause | 12.30-14.00 -
Art installations and happenings to be explored in the breaks | 13.00-13.45 Meditativ workshop i pausen
Pause | 15.30-15.40 - Art installations and happenings to be explored in the breaks
Plenarsesssion | 31. maj | 9.00-10.30 | Festsal 11C.0.08
Wellbeing economy in an international perspective (Partly in English)