Without art, we are not capable of realizing transformative change in society.

In a time in which the limits of our current economic paradigm become more and more apparent, the question is timely: how might art help us transition towards wellbeing? If we are interested in newness and real alternatives in the evolution of our society, it is crucial that we explore and welcome new categories of self-perception and description. With the artists participating at the conference we hope to help inspire, provocate and make visible that which lies outside the observable. We hope to bring light into experiments of new perception and invite the conference participants to connect with the agenda beyond the rational.
Main performing artists:
Art installations
To be explored in the breaks
What about Utopia
Art installation by The Royal Danish Academy ́s Climate Group
Location: Drømmerummet | 15A.0.13
The installation invites you to enter a space created and dedicated to utopian thinking. Dreaming is a part of molding a new world. Therefore this installation suggests that we think about utopias and ask ourselves: How do we actually want to be human on this planet if nothing is impossible?
The installation has been created by The Academy ́s Climate Group - a student organization at the Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation. It is made with discarded materials from DFD (Forenede Dampvaskerier) and designed according to CradleToCradle principles. Originally the installation was created for Tomorrow Festival 2020 with material sponsored by Gentræ. The installation was funded and supported by Tuborgfondet and the Royal Danish Academy.
Our Dreams
Interactive installation by the Green Youth Movement Denmark (Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse)
Location: Drømmerummet | 15A.0.13
A group of activists from The Green Youth Movement will take over an area of the conference to give their dreams a space and voice. With a workshop and installation the group invites conference participants to reflect on the questions of what has value. What are we longing for? What might we have lost connection with? What brings joy? The installation will be part of 'Drømmerummet' - a safe space where all conference participants are invited to go for a break, to zone in and out.
During the first day of the conference, the artist and climate activist Margrethe Møller performs a bridging of the two installations by the Green Youth Movement and Emilie Lykkegaard Schmidt. Come by in the breaks on Thursday to rest into the collective dreaming with Møller.

Growth in Perspective
Soundinstallation by Emilie Lykkegaard Schmidt
Location: Drømmerummet | 15A.0.13
Growth In Perspective (2024) is an interactive sound installation, which explores our deep connection to landscapes. The installation seeks to highlight the meditative stillness of landscapes, and invites the listener to embrace slowness and patience.
Growth In Perspective is developed as part of a broader practice concerned with patient listening as an activist approach. One of the current works in progress is Sounding Landscapes, which is a sound meditation developed for the Art & Activism programme at Roskilde Festival 2024, in collaboration with FLOR – Danmarks Naturfredningsforening.
Art installation by Becoming Species, Charlotte Østergaard and Linh Le
Location: Multisalen | 21.0.54
Becoming Species will during their audio-visual performance in Multisalen interact with two knotting works: "KNYTTE BÅND" 2024 made by Charlotte Østergaard and Linh Le in collaboration with Aaben Dans and 785 people, primarily school kids from Roskilde Municipality, exhibited during SWOP festival and a knotting work made during Passage Festival 2023 in Elsinore where living and threatened species were celebrated.
The knotting works are a co-creation of community and connection, symbolising and enacting the ecosystem of life with knots tying us all together. The practice of knotting have been passed on from Charlotte Østergaard to Becoming Species as a way to tie humans to more-than-human nature in performative art installations and civil disobedient actions. All materials are recycled textiles.
Posters by Amalie Smith
Location: Multisalen | 21.0.54
In continuation of the session "Giv naturen en stemme: Litterær folkehøring som metode" conference participants will have the opportunity to see Amalie Smith's work "FOUR POSTERS: Slow fire – Us – Only in action there is hope – Earth is calling". The posters are made from material produced at four literary public hearings that were held at Albertslund Library in the autumn of 2023. Subsequently, the posters were exhibited at the library. The posters are distributed free of charge in Multisalen at the Wellbeing Economy Conference.
Leading profiles from the Danish art and culture scene will take part in various track sessions:

Artist, curator, founder of Sisters Hope. Plenary 1.

Artist, curator, founder of Sisters Hope. Plenary 1.
6 track sessions exploring change through art, culture and nature:
30. maj | 11.00-12.30
30. maj | 14.00-15.30
Fra mistrivsel til harmoni: kunstens rolle i sundhedsfremmende indsatser
Forandring gennem natur og kultur
OPLEV: Eva Hjelms | Anna Paldam Folker | Andreas Vetö | Charlotte Iisager Petersen | Strygerkvartet fra Danmarks Underholdningsorkester
ARRANGØR(ER): Sund By Netværket | Statens Institut for Folkesundhed | Danmarks Underholdningsorkester
31. maj | 11.00-12.30
31. maj | 14.00-15.30
Thank you to WOHN for letting us borrow 3D printed boxes used as functional tables and decoration and to Roskilde Festival Fondet for a kind donation to support art at the conference. The art and culture program has been curated by Annette Lendal and Julian Krauss.
Kreative indslag i pauserne