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Mobilizing academia for just postgrowth futures    



30. maj 14.00-15.30 - Audi 4 - 23.0.49

Talk and workshop


This session convened by UCPH Degrowth Network and Degrowth CPH explores how academics are helping to bring about major transformations in society, in ways that go beyond the conventional realm of the academe. Research is critical, but so too is the mobilization of power wielded by academia today in the struggle to push power holders in spheres of decision-making. In other words, in pursuit of a just green transition, academics can and must do much more than just research. What opportunities exist in our part of the world for academics to instigate just and democratic pathways that support the wellbeing of all? We’ll collectively explore this question with the audience and several scholars from DK/SE universities also active in social movements aligned with de-/post-growth futures. 



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Vasna Ramasar, Scholar-activist, Human Ecology, Lund University, affiliated with the Collective against Environmental Racism and the Global Tapestry of Alternatives.  

Line Marie Thorsen, Postdoctoral candidate, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, affiliated with the independent Danish Climate and Transition Council (KOR).  

Laura Horn, Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, affiliated with Scientist Rebellion.  

Linda Luciani, Master student in Degrowth, UAB and Economics, CBS, member of Degrowth CPH.

Rebecca Leigh Rutt. Associate Professor, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen, affiliated with the UCPH Degrowth Network 

Fernando Racimo, Associate Professor, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen, affiliated with the UCPH Degrowth Network 

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