The UN's role in a just global economy: moving beyond GDP for the future

30. maj 14.00-15.30 - Audi 3 - 22.0.11
Talk and debate
What is the role of the United Nations in the path towards a global wellbeing economy? In the fall of 2024, the UN Secretary-General is inviting leaders to a Summit of the Future, aimed at strengthening the framework and trust in the multilateral system. Included in the outline for the outcome document* is a clear commitment to go 'beyond GDP' and establish a framework that prioritizes well-being, respect for people and the planet, and increased solidarity to ensure sustainable development. For a large organization like the UN, this requires robust methods and goals for wellbeing, but what should they look like – and who should define them? We are taking a first step on this path by bringing together key actors to define and address this issue.

Jens Christian Wandel, Forperson, FN Forbundet

Toke Hanghøj, kommunikationschef , Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning

Sara Krüger Falk, Direktør, Global Compact Network Denmark

Julie Rosenkilde, Sekretariatsleder, Nyt Europa