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The Hidden Costs of the Food System 



30. maj 14.00-15.30 - Audi 2 - 4A.0.69

Talks and debate

Recent analyses from organizations like FAO and the Food System Economics Commission shed light on the hidden costs of the food system, including its impact on climate, environment, nature, health, and more. Danish analyses have also focused on hidden costs in specific areas, such as Jørgen Dejgård Jensen's analysis of potential economic gains from complying with Denmark’s official dietary guidelines. 


In this session, drawing on analyses from the Food System Economics Commission, as well as Danish research on the health, climate, and environmental costs of the food system, we aim to illuminate and discuss the necessity of a new economic perspective on the development of the food sector, and how an expanded economic perspective on the benefits and costs of the food system can promote climate-friendly and sustainable development of the food system. 





Claudia Hunecke, PhD, Food System Economics Commission, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Jørgen Dejgaard Jensen, Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics 

Berit Hasler, Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics 

Michael Minter, Program Director for Food and Consumption at CONCITO 


14:00-14:10: Introduction and moderation. Michael Minter, Program Director for Food and Consumption at CONCITO 

14:10-14:30: Perspectives on the Hidden Costs of the Global Food System. Claudia Hunecke, PhD, Food System Economics Commission, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (online presentation) 

14:30-14:50: Health-economic costs of unhealthy dietary habits. Jørgen Dejgaard Jensen, Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics 

14:50-15:10: Climate and environmental costs of Danish food production. Berit Hasler, Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics 

15:10-15:30: Questions and debate. 

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